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Just a quick message to all of our supporters here on Patreon.

Thank you. 

Thank you for understanding why we need to do this. We love making films. We love YouTube. We love our fans. We do not love money, but its quickly becoming necessary to keep all of this going. Films are expensive and its no longer just a hobby for us. So, because of you guys, we get to keep making films. We aren't rich by any means, but your support allows us keep moving forward. 

It is our commitment to provide you with consistent exclusives on this page. We want you to feel your hard earned money is valued here and you are getting something for your generosity. 

We are always looking for new ways to compensate our patrons. Someone recently asked us for autographed pictures of some of our FML girls....is this something you would like as a reward? Is there value in that? Let us know. 

Also, would you like to see your names at the end or beginning of the FML episodes? In a separate video or maybe in the season ending blooper reel? We want to thank everyone publicly but we also want to respect privacy. So let us know how you feel about that as well. 

Until next update....Thank You. 

Wyatt Elliott

Notebook Entertainment 


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