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Hello guys, I am VERY very sorry I am late. I'd like to go into detail about that, and I will soon. I just dont like talking about health issues, it makes me more aware of how 'scary' my situation is because of all my current chronic symptoms. Basically I've been in bed, in and out of the hospital, traveled back and forth a few times across states to see specialists, etc-. My health isn't declining much at the moment (it all sort of came to a head and has stopped), but I am 100% not the same anymore, and that sucks. It's something I've been coping with while getting diagnosed. So for the past year or so, it's been mega rough, and accepting that I'm not going to feel like my old self has been a struggle. My body has basically said "oh, yeah, you're not gonna do well anymore", and it did just that. I've been fighting doctors for diagnoses, having one tell me something and another tell me something else. It's been a mess. I've been poked, prodded, pushed around and I'm fucking tired. Long story short, it is possible that my now "chronic illness" is autoimmune related, gut related or "worse". That sounds bad, but remember they always have to disclose "all possibilities" so don't worry too much yet. I'm just mega tired because of all this. I'm so tired guys and I'm admittedly struggling to even get up and do anything because even if I have a day where I feel "ok enough" my brain is still going on about how "its not the same" anymore, you're getting worse every month. So that's the short and simple explanation of how and where I've been.

But yeah.. for the past week I've felt pretty good. I've recovered quite a bit from my last big "flare up" and I really want to take advantage of my current energy level. I've been working real hard to get some good art  for you guys and get back to posting/streaming and having somewhat of a life.

Once again, I am EXTREMELY sorry for being so fucking late. This was not intended, it's not what I want, it's added stress on my mind and it's not fair for al of you who are still here having my back. I really, really appreciate everyone. I have 3 full color pieces on the way along with a big doodle sheet, and a recording of a full draw process. If I had to estimate a time I'd say 4-5 days it'll all be posted. I'll also include some more STL files for those interested in prints, and you will be able to sell them in your shops. I'm just really going to try my best to make it up to you all. Thank you for being here. 

I am also looking into changing my patreon to "charge when I post" that way we don't have this mess, but I'm going to catch up on all my work first and see how I feel about it. I will NOT make any changes until I've notified everyone of the change, so please don't worry much about it. I'll be sure to make it apparent. 

Another small note, but I got a warning from Patreon about character art being in "violation". I am a little worried about that, and if I get flagged again I might have to move elsewhere. All of my characters are 18+, especially if featured in NSFW situations.. 



I'd like to note that I am on new medication, and hoping for the best. It could be why I am feeling pretty ok this week and I'm just going to keep trying and keep posting


Glad you're feeling better! That sounds unimaginable to me tbh. I don't mind keeping my pledge how it is, you could make a Discord server that's like JUST art for Patreon maybe?


I can only imagine the stress and anxiety about all this but always happy to help out one of my favorite creators ❤ Wishing you the best shep 🙌


We believe in youuuu ;A;


I don't know much about your health situation but I know what it's like to struggle to find a diagnosis. it does sound a lot like what I have gone through and I never found a diagnosis either. I never felt the same after getting sick one day and my energy levels never returned. For me, I believe at this point it's chronic fatigue syndrome or cfs/me. there's no diagnosis for it and it affects a lot of people. might be worth reading into if you're struggling with energy and a diagnosis. either way don't push yourself too hard. health issues are tough and frustrating enough as is. take care of yourself <3


If you need to take this time to take care of your health, then by all means, do so. <3


I'm sorry you have to deal with all this and I hope that you somehow get some answers soon.

Ben Grant

Please take all the time you need. If you need to nove platforms to something like fanbox, I'll happily follow

Listening Point

Hope you get to feeling better soon. Pace yourself. You don't owe anyone anything. Health first.


Sorry to hear that things have been so difficult for you. We're fine with things slowing down as not to aggravate your health. I hope your new meds work well for you.


Honestly if the money helps I'd be fine with paying monthly even if it's not regular posts, I can't speak for the others but I'm sure a good chunk of your supporters just want to... support, you do good work and deserve the best. :thumbsup:


I agree with the above I don't mind paying monthly if it helps. I've been following you since tumblr days so this wont be something that discourages me. I hope you continue feeling good


I will add another agreement to what Humble Pie said!

Jack Finter

I hope things will get better really, and I also agree with Humble Pie if money can help maybe just a little I don't mind giving you support every month even if you don't have anything to share because of your health issues or anything else. Take care of yourself !

