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Hello, everybody!

Some quick news.. If you missed that, I have 3 decks available on Kickstarter now! And that's great! I have to draw 18 pictures of guys, though, but that's fine)) It will be interesting experience.

If I get $70 000 I will draw 54 unique pictures of men, what do you think, will it be possible to do in 3 days? 


Also, I extended my Special Offer for one week, because I realized, that I have to count all the people on the January 1st and that will be impossible for me:))) So, I decided to finish that offer a little bit later (also I will give some time for the new people to join)

Thank you all for the support! I promise, I will post a lot of new comics pages on January! I'm working hard on Pinupocalypse right now (to be more efficient in the new year).




Wow! Is there male edition too?)))

Ben Brown

Is it possible to get one Male Deck AND one Female Deck? I don't see that as an option


When are the pins shipping?


Just wondering if I order 2 decks I can get a SFW and a NSFW?


Would any of the decks be available to purchase at a letter date, for those that missed out on pledging to your Kickstarter? 🙂

Ryan Voeltner

Hey is it to late to get the military cards? I hit you up on that IG page too.


Hey, sorry I don't know.. You should check (it's name USMilPin)


You can get them on my web-site <a href="https://www.tarusovstore.com/collections/kinky-cards" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.tarusovstore.com/collections/kinky-cards</a>