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Well. good and bad news.

I finally got to see the specialist this month. 

Good news: I'm now in good hands. And they took the time to really see the damage that was done and to give me advice as well as a plan of approach. No more "We can't do anything about it. just wait till it fixes itself" BS.

Bad news: The wound was worse than I though or could possibly know without professional eyes and tools. I'm now on a 5 weeks plan to see if some less drastic approach can still fix it. But their professional option is that, changes are, I will have to get surgery for a 3e time. 

In short, I'm probably back to step one. But now, with actual doctors who can heal what has been done in the normal amount of time. And without ignoring my complaints.

I will give an update when I see them next. To let you all know what happens next.



A third surgery? Well at least now you are in much better care and your recovery will go much smoother. These people will help guide you in a more stable path than the doctors before. That I’m very glad to hear my friend. Lots of good vibes into this new change, I know you will do excellent.