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Good day everyone!

So, yeah it has been officially a year sins I had my first surgery. 

Because of some neglectful behavior from the hospital I went to. Something that was originally going to take less than 3 months of healing. has turned into more than a full year.

The wound has recently reopened a bit. And because this has been happening more often lately. And because, I no longer have fate in the hospital I have been going this past year, I have decided to go for a second opinion, at another place, with a specialist.

This has slowed down or put a lot (most) of my plans I had for 2023 on hold. And because I was convinced it would be healed up by now, 4 times over. I was very anxious this year. Planning something out like a project is hard when you don't know if you can sit right up or not, the next week.

And I'm honestly just so thankful and surprised for all your support this past year. It truly held me above water during this time. And just gave me huge boos of confidence in my work. Even tho, I couldn't put that new-found confidence too much to use.

So let's hope the next update on this. will be my last.

And thank you for reading and supporting ^^ You all get a digital bear-hug from me!



Always welcome a hug from you.

Rockaway Carter

Glad to hear the road to recovery is bright man. Here's to better days.