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I was thinking of opening some commission slots, to fill up the work I have to catch up on, now that my wounds have almost fully healed up.

I'm not sure how I will open them. Or ow many slots will be opened. But what would you all think if I made some Patreon only slots free?

I was thinking of doing something like: (If you have been a 3$ tier supporter for more than one month. You get a 3% discount. The same goes for 5$ tier supporters but then with a 5% discount)

Let me know what you think of this. And if you have questions, feel free to ask them. Always handy to have some feedback. ;)

My prices are, at the bottom of this message




That sounds like an excellent incentive for interested parties. When you have slots available, you could post the terms of service and other required information here on your page. You can do the typical first come, first serve or utilize a priority/raffle system to reward higher tiers to keep things fair.