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Desmo. telling Franky how it is.

 It may be a hard lesson to learn ... but yeah. this is not a soft world to be in. Bwhahahaha!!!!




Never a good ending for the good guys here hahaha


how amusing and insightful. i adore this type of scenario. just how desmo condescending speech obliterates franky fragile ego, there is no such thing as a "good" person. just the strong and the weak. good and evil are subjective to the whims of societal norms. franky false beliefs and willpower has shown that he is the latter.😈 awesome work! damn now im getting philosophical. xD


Bad endings? I don't know, being surrounded by hunky hung goat demons and being plowed eternally by a giant one doesn't sounds bad to me.


Desmo dosn't say that there aren't any good people. Just that he doesn't thing these 4 are.


Is this the last page ? Btw love the comic