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I have been having some mental health problems this month. So drawing whent really slow, But I will still try to finish this months hunk. and to make sure to you amazing people that it is in the works,

Here you got some chubby sketches X3. 

Note: not all of these will be in this months reward. these are just test sketches. I will choose out of these. or make one or two different ones.




I hope you feel better


3, 4 and 6 are my top three favs out of the bunch.😋 (Im extremely sorry to hear about the current state of your mental health. i know it ain't much consolation.. but we're here for you, you have our full support and encouragement. please don't be afraid to talk about it with those around you. some might consider it a sign of weakness to open up about their feelings and issues. but it's quite the opposite, it takes great courage and strength to discuss and open up with family, friends and/or professionals. i speak from experience. This applies to everyone, but don't sell yourself short. your incredible and amazing.. there is nobody quite like you and your health and happiness matters, you deserve so much. i hope this has cheered you up some, make some time for yourself and don't overexert yourself for our sake. take care friend and remember that practicing mindfulness can help clear your mind and isolate those negative feelings.)