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It seems that our "heroes" still has a chance to escape this hellscape. if only there was someone on the other side of the portal to pull him through...

Well. I finished this page just in time. My paws still hurt from making all those guys in the background XD lol




mortals and their false hope, just accept your fate already heh~ timid franky shouldn't lift a paw, he should embrace desmo and his dark side. i'd press that amazing body against the mirror and give a wicked smile to lux ;) c'est magnifique! your attention to detail is magnificent and we appreciate the amount of work you put into your art. rest those paws bro you deserve it😉


Eternity with yourself - paradaise for introvert


What does he mean why is he still alive?


wouldn't you question your state of being after being "taken" by more than a hundred guys in less than a few minutes? X3 hihihihi


Getting fatter from cum is so hot