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It seems that I can't edit my tiers. Don't know why at the moment. it just won't let me update or change anything.

I just wanted to change the 1$ tier explanistion. Spesificly the part of "[Line art of colored characters]" becasue I'm expanding with the polls, so I don't have the time to also make side characters for the 1$ tier.

Nothing is really changing, but for those who are a bit confused that there hasn't been anything like Line versions of characters I made for a while now, may find some clarity with this post. at least for now.

hope you all have epic  day ;)



Thank you

Paxton Roth

Yeah I had similar problems when I ran a Patreon, you cant edit a tier after you get a single subscriber to it unless you delete it and unsubscribe everyone, its so you cant make small edits and change what they're paying for