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This is sort of a quntinuwation of the character polls you all suggested last month. I hope that you all like the ones you can choose from ;)

And as always, feel free to just put in the comments down below character you think would be a fun fit for a future poll.


stephen jenns

Mmm so much dirty and amazing things could be done ith guilmon if he met Desmo~


My boy venom lol.


Let’s go Guilmon^^ So come on Digimon fans. Let’s help Guilmon become Hunk of the Month^^


My heart goes to Venom

A Somewhat Decent Person

I hope Mao Mao comes back for a future poll, but these polls are always fun to watch because of the great choices, however I’m going with Guilmon mainly because i think he’d look great in your artstyle, love to see who wins in the end tho!


I’m hoping Guilmon can be a option for March’s Hunk of the Month.


Fatso should comeback in next poll


I hope Master Splinter(this version anyway) and Gosha come back in the next time. :-3