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So, it's not actually half way through July yet, which means it's completely acceptable to start work on the June Patroncast. Maybe we'll fix this at the end of the year with some 'New Year' shenanigans.

Just in case you're new, this submission thread is where you get to ask questions, suggest topics, or declare your love of Cameron, the greatest sniper who ever lived.

So ask away, and I'll update this post when the Patroncast is recorded, so as long as there isn't an edit below saying that, everything should be good :)

EDIT - The Patroncast has now been recorded, so further questions cannot be included.

All the best,



David Agnew

Hi John, any chance you would consider a playthrough of baldur's gate 3 or pathfinder? (either one)

Piers Senner

Who was your favorite NPC of oblivion?