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Good evening Patrons, and welcome to your early access to the latest episode of the PodCats, and this month we're actually talking about video games. A bit, anyway.

You can listen along right here, or you can just download it - https://drive.google.com/file/d/11CnpbiXq0C-EBIxfLNHo3PguiX-zx337/view?usp=sharing

Alternatively, there's the unlisted YouTube video over here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOJSEzwxSDw



John Coutelier

I mean technically I think a Mac is a Personal Computer, but I guess as a society at some point we decided that PC just meant IBM, DOS, Windows etc.

Landon Pool

And that was reinforced by Apple, especially with their "Hi, I'm a Mac / Hi, I'm a PC" commercials in the 2000's.

Landon Pool

I hope we a bonus episode soon for E3 and Starfield!