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Hi all!

The Patroncast is here, and this month we're discussing how Ted feels about this whole 'Christmas' thing...

Naturally, you can also watch the unlisted YouTube video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2whrdCr_5Y

Or you can just download it from Google Drive if you prefer - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U_o00vJivSkyaNiWUx_tny5YAFmN-M9j/view?usp=share_link

And don't forget the entire playlist of Patroncasts too -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy8-DABMEx4&list=PLwH1xJhcXG0f38Jjmzko1yKXoTR_c2MFJ

And as for Teddy himself, Christmas was pretty exhausting, so he's taking January off to rest;



Jon, this is unrelated to your podcast, but the mod for Fallout 4: Fallout London is actually doing a casting call looking for voice actors. The link is up on their YT video and I'm wondering if it's something you would be interested in? As a follower on Patreon and YT, it would be awesome to see you as a character in a game. As always, thank you for the great quality content and all the hard work from yourself and Claire.


Interestingly enough, I can answer the question about Benny your first time playing because I’ve been rewatching New Vegas YOLO, and when you went and dealt with Benny, you told us the story! You did fall for his “work with you” plot, because it “is so uniquely computer game-y, and maybe there’d be a love plot somewhere, etc.”. And you’re not the only one, I did the same my first playthrough!