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Good evening Patrons, and welcome to early access to the latest episode of the PodCats, and this month we're having serious discussions about the ethics of cloning, classical music, and inconsistent narrative linearity in gaming.

Kind of, anyway.

You can listen along right here, or you can just download it - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yl_mBuoq31sSVDBGY3wkUwaAKFqDNG-R/view?usp=sharing

Alternatively, there's the unlisted YouTube video over here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VsQC1P3TR4




I know they're really not a good person, but I feel it's important to point out that Ezra Miller uses they/them pronouns. It just feels a little uncomfortable to hear you misgender someone, even when they're a bad person

Zac Thompson

This was almost certainly accidental given that Dans partner is Non-binary and Jon is good for LGBTQ stuff


Ezra Miller is not non binary. He knows he can claim to be non binary to get away with his crimes. He's committed enough crimes to spend the next 50 years in prison.


I see no evidence of that. They've used they/them pronouns and also talked very openly about their queer identity long before any of the violent incidents occurred. I also fail to see how someone "claiming to be non-binary" would somehow excuse them of their crimes. Where on earth would you get an idea like that?


I am glad that it was probably just a mistake of Jon simply not knowing. I just wanted to be certain, as well as inform him for future reference.