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Hi all,

It's time once again for the Patroncast, where you say things, and I say other things back in response to the first things. Apologies this one is even being announced a bit late - we've been a little distracted with the EU business. Naturally, though, please feel free to ask about that if you wish, and I'll be talking a bit about it too.

Also, here's a free key for Fallout 4's Contraptions DLC - first to claim it gets it -


And if you have a Vive, here's a key for a VR game - Cosmic Trip, though please don't redeem this unless you have a Vive - you won't be able to play it. Again, first come, first served -QNAA6-R3W4V-XMEAE

Thanks all,




With how much time youtube can take up are you having enough lesure time/time with Claire?


Who is your favourite character in Game of Thrones? If you haven't watched it, then why haven't you watched it!?