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Hi all,

So, tonight I've got something rather exciting for you - the PodCats is back, and you folks get it a little bit earlier than everybody else.

But first, Jon, I hear you cry, what is the PodCats? 

The PodCats was a podcast that ran from 2015 to 2016 where myself, Dan of Nerdcubed and Matt of Mattophobia just basically hung out together and talked about whatever we felt like. Sometimes that even included games. There was also the odd extra one in the intervening years, but it hasn't been a regular thing since 2016. Until today.

Starting right now, this is going to a monthly podcast that we put together. In 2 weeks time, it will be released publicly, so everybody gets to enjoy it, but you lot get it early. That means that if you're a Patron or a Community Member of Many A True Nerd, or a Patron of Nerdcubed, you get early access. You don't need to join both - either will get you early access to every episode.

I do feel I should add, for those who never experienced the original PodCats, it is a little different from plenty of my other videos, and the traditional Patroncast (which will of course continue, this does not replace it). In particular, there's more swearing, adult themes, and plenty of rambling.

So, how is it available? Just like the Patroncast, you can listen via the Patreon player right here, or there's a whole bunch of other options too.

You'll find an unlisted YouTube video right here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uF4QLK8NABM

Or you can just download it to listen at your leisure right here - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o6r8THMFw-FdyeHAdfXxZm6c-xtFUjLN/view?usp=sharing

So there we go - the PodCats is back, and hopefully you enjoy it :)




woooooohoooooo podcats are back, but I don't think this will fit on john's main channel


Jon, would you be more sympathetic to Sten if he told you killed the child because he was "doin some blood magic"? Why is the answer an enthusiastic "yes"?