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So as it's April (but by less than a week so it's fine), probably best we get going on the March Patroncast.

Just in case you're new, this is where you get to ask questions, suggest topics, or speculate on whether the MATN HQ Move is some some form of mysterious long-running joke that's leading to an eventual punchline...

So ask away, and I'll update this post when the Patroncast is recorded, so as long as there isn't an edit below saying that, everything should be good :)

EDIT: Yep, we're recorded, so further questions can't be included. Patroncast coming soon.

And unfortunately, I have to ask for your patience again, as the move didn't happen last month, but will hopefully happen in April, but we're very unsure right now, so there might suddenly be a huge amount that needs to be done. If the Patroncast takes a little longer than usual to come together, that's why.

All the best,




Nooooo! I forgot to ask about the kinky roleplay session that was cut from the valentine video!

Jen Nolan

The only question I have is will you please (please?) take some time for yourselves to recuperate after this move? We'll be good. Well, *I'll* be good. I promise. Scritches for Tabby!!