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Including my thoughts on the #WTFU movement, the current channel format, upcoming videos, and answers to all your questions, including the big question I was thinking would come up sooner or later...


Many A True Nerd Patroncast - February (Sort Of) 2016

Welcome to the February 2016 Patroncast, with updates on all things Many A True Nerd. Find us on Reddit http://www.reddit.com/r/ManyATrueNerd/ Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/ManyATrueNerd Support us on Patreon http://www.patreon.com/manyatruenerd Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/manyatruenerd



I honestly don't love the multiplayer things, like the Division miniseries or the Rainbox Six Siege or whatever. I mean I watched them (though I'm not sure about part 2 of the Division, honestly), but they are definitely not my favorites at all. I'm really not a social gamer with my own gaming--mainly it's one of my primary go-to antisocial activities. I don't mind it so much with you and Claire's co-ops (though there have been a couple I couldn't really get through)--partly, I think, that's because we know that Claire's a meaningful person to you in real life too, and that comes across in how you interact with each other in those videos. I actually really loved the "Who's Your Daddy" video, which makes me think that maybe PvP multiplayer might work better, because it gives me someone to root for. Also, with that one in particular, my sympathies shifted between you and Claire from one round to the next, which was fun. I also loved the Democracy 3 video you two did way back when, because while you were collaborating (more or less, if I recall correctly), you were also having really amusing banter about how to prioritize different social and economic policies and stuff. Of course I'm something of a politics nerd, so Democracy 3 was right up my alley. That's not to say that I haven't had some fun with your videos with Matt, but it's just kind of empty slapstick for me. Substantially, I think, because I watch your videos not just because you're awesome but because I like how you approach and experience and talk about story and design and stuff in the games you play, and in a multiplayer arena type thing, there really isn't any of that. It's a madcap free-for-all, which is diverting, but not something I'll make a point of setting time aside to watch. Watching other people play a game together, especially a fast-paced multiplayer shooter, feels kind of like eavesdropping on someone else's conversation at a party, for me. Which can be interesting or amusing from time to time, but there are generally better things to do at parties. So. In terms of channel structure, I actually quite like the longer series, though I understand how that could turn off new viewers. I'm kind of a completist myself, and so I hate running across something and seeing "Episode 37" or something, because I feel like I need to go back and watch the previous thirty-six episodes first, to catch up. I do appreciate the move to doubling up on videos when you're doing miniseries bits, because like you said if I'm not interested in one of the things I may very well be interested in the other one. I've actually been feeling recently like, as much as I like Fallout 4 and as much as I'm digging the No Guns run (I always seem to wind up playing sneaky-snipey in Fallout, myself, even when I try to do something else instead), I'm not sure that I need it two times a week. I know that on Mondays and Fridays there's something there that I'll enjoy watching, but I wouldn't mind it going down to once a week and the other slot being taken up with another regular or ongoing feature. I also just have to say that I miss the Sleuthing Saturdays. I've gone looking, a couple of times, in the Steam store for mystery games that could be worthy successors to LA Noire and Deadly Premonition, but it doesn't seem like there are all that many games that are actually mystery games of that sort. Which makes me sad, because for a good run there, Saturday was a day that I looked forward to every week on the channel. I do think, in terms of structure, that having distinct sorts of things that you schedule for a particular day of the week would be preferable for me. It seems like the level of weekly scheduling structure has been in flux for awhile, but I liked it a lot when I knew that, okay, the current mystery game was Saturday, Sunday was Fallout, Monday was Red Faction or Far Cry 4, Tuesday was whatever demented dating simulator you were walking us through on a given week, Wednesday was Why Not Wednesday, etc. I liked that, and when a given day's current game came to an end I could look forward to the next thing that was going to fill that slot, even if it was only for two or three or four parts. Anyway. Just a whole bunch of thoughts in response to or inspired by the Patroncast. Cheers!


You mentioned wanting to do voice work, would reading and talking about some of the old classics be something you'd be interested in? People loved hearing your background knowledge in the Rome play through and it'd give you a chance to practice your reading voice. It's a far way off from your normal videos though so it'd be a risk, but maybe as a one shot to see how much time would be needed for it and what the response would be.