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Hello all!

I'll be recording the January MATN Patroncast this weekend, probably to come out on January 31st.

I already have a couple of ideas for a things to chat about - the new video formats I've been playing with recently, and why January is the worst time for YouTubers - but your questions and random comments will of course be answered too, so leave any below :)

Oh, and I'll be dragging Claire into this one too - so any questions for Claire are welcome this month :)




Your work has inspired me to try to make some videos of my own -- I'd love to someday make money off of my love for games, as you do. Right now I'm just focused on practicing my delivery of commentary and training myself to be more slow and deliberate about camera movement, and soon I'm going to dive into the recording and editing. Once I get to that point, do you have any suggestions as to how I could go about getting useful feedback and criticism?


Will Podcats be coming back?