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June is getting old, and soon July shall be upon us, so it's probably best to get the June Patroncast sorted out sooner rather than later.

Just in case you're new, this is where you get to ask questions, suggest topics, or mock the British for our complete inability to deal with even the most modest heatwave.

So ask away, and I'll update this post when the Patroncast is recorded, so as long as there isn't an edit below saying that, everything should be good :)

EDIT: Yep, it's done, so further questions cannot be included.

All the best,




Hey Jon! I'm catching up on your Civ 6 Apocalypse Mode vods and you mentioned that you were running a family Zoom quiz. How well did that go?


Phew, Patreon finally let me update my payment info in time! This month's Skies of Arcadia question - what moment in SoA do you find most emotionally moving? Will there be any more Animal Crossing on the channel, or is it banned now they have included jellyfish in the game? Assuming you are in no danger, what animal would you most like to meet in the wild? Best wishes to you all, Dan, Laura and Ethan