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Hi all!

The Patroncast is here again, and it's even later than usual! I do, however, have an excellent excuse for that - this is the longest Patroncast ever, and actually was too large a file for Patreon, so we had to re-render it today.

Naturally, you can also watch the unlisted YouTube video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grC0WTzxN94

Or you can just download it from Google Drive if you prefer -  https://drive.google.com/file/d/14aqaCKADkyv9aKiVg-pHjB55EE5Cv02m/view?usp=sharing 

And don't forget the entire playlist of Patroncasts too -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy8-DABMEx4&list=PLwH1xJhcXG0f38Jjmzko1yKXoTR_c2MFJ

And as for Tabby, today she will be showing off a variety of creative mechanisms for hiding her face while sleeping.



have you tried working with a Virtual Machine to ease the transfer of information?


Just heard about the announcement from IO. Almost feels like it would have been worth delaying the podcast to talk about that.