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The Patroncast is here, available in its usual glorious range of ways-to-listen, including, of course, the Patreon player itself.

Naturally, you can also watch the unlisted YouTube video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z11XkyCuOg

Or you can just download it from Google Drive if you prefer - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_MfWpOelKIo5axBsZrrhh54HfIUD_veL

And don't forget the entire playlist of Patroncasts too - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy8-DABMEx4&list=PLwH1xJhcXG0f38Jjmzko1yKXoTR_c2MFJ

And just in case you're not watching the video version, here's some Tabby pictures so you don't miss them :)




Hi Jon. I asked you the question about taking surveys of your patreons. I suppose what I was getting at is that you might find some of the things you do on the channel that don’t get as many views might have a lot of support from your Patreon community, so you might not have to consider views as the only driver of success.


Regarding the GDPR, I happen to be a lawyer so I do know something about this. As rule of thumb, provided you give full disclosure to people about how their data will be used (and the data requested is proportionate and necessary for its purpose) you should be fine. If the data is received anonymously, and cannot identify specific individuals, that should also be fine.


Finally Mass Effect 3 is better than you think - yes please! I hated the ending but it was probably still my favourite game in the franchise.