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So thanks to the days that this weekend falls on, there's actually a chance the March 2018 Patroncast might fall in March! Possibly, anyway.

Just in case you're new, this is where you get ask questions, suggest topics, or debate the merits of jam vs honey as a toast-topping.

So ask away, and I'll update this post when the Patroncast is recorded, so as long as there isn't an edit below saying that, everything should be good :)

EDIT - And the Patroncast is now recorded :)

All the best,




Benor or Master Neloth?


Marmite is horrid, Vegemite is not. I think Marmite is much sweeter where as Vegemite is saltier, and goes well with cheese and toast (spread thinly, which is where all the non-aussies seem to go wrong)