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Hi all,

As you've hopefully seen by now, I'm thrilled to confirm that Patreon have indeed backed down in full over the new fee structure - https://blog.patreon.com/not-rolling-out-fees-change/

I think this is a win for all of you in the community, for all creators, and will in the long run be a win for Patreon itself.

And I want to thank you for helping - I've been communicating pretty much constantly with Patreon on this, but I'm only one person, and I know many of you made your displeasure known to Patreon by Twitter or email. Such a high level of negative reception will have helped shape this climbdown.

So just for today, everybody wins.

It is, of course, worrying that it got this far in the first place. In some ways, the most important promise in that blog post is the assurance that future big changes will come only after consultation with creators. 

When that happens, I'll be there to make sure the system is fair to you - and if it's not, I'll be just as vocal about why it's a bad system.

But tonight, we celebrate.





Jon, can you provide a number (dollars or percentage) of how much your net pledges went down after Patreon's initial announcement? I'm curious how much Patreon's misstep has cost you, and presumably other creators. Will also be curious what your pledge total eventually rebounds to. I'm figuring, people who only decreased their pledges will receive notification of your message here, and thus may get the impetus to restore their original pledge. But people who completely de-pledged presumably won't get this impetus, and it's those patrons you've already lost that really hurts, even though Patreon has reversed course.


I wish we could all pick a bar, go out, and have a celebratory drink! Congrats everyone (especially Jon since it is his livelyhood)


Yey! Common sense won!


Awesome win next up net neutrality in the US


We always knew you cared about us fans, Jon. Also, perfect title for Winter Nerds!


Good job, Jon and all. I have also sent them feedback expressing disappointment with their decision. Anyway, I'm glad they listened.


I think this is a great representation to why I like your channel so much. You're a true gentleman Jon. Thanks for everything.


I re-pledged as a celebration, for the moment everything is fiiiine. Cheers!


I was on the fence about joining Patreon, but I finally joined after this.


Jon you beauty, did you show them how you single handedly (with the leader of the cult of claire as advisor) sort out all of America's problems? Also that you were willing to use nukes at the drop of a hat, I bet they listened then. I know you won't have been the only one that helped with the new decission by Patreon but thanks for the hard work which greatly helped. I want to support you and other creators and I don't mind knowing that some of it is going to the Patreon platform but we give what we can because we choose too and we can quite easily choose to stop when greed comes into play. Thanks Jon & Claire

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-06 01:27:32 congrats jon. This seemed like a really sticky situation & I was worried you might call it quits
2017-12-15 22:19:43 congrats jon. This seemed like a really sticky situation & I was worried you might call it quits

congrats jon. This seemed like a really sticky situation & I was worried you might call it quits


Awesome news, Jon! So glad Patreon actually listened to its users - that's so rare in a platform these days...