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Two months of voting events(Kemonomimi's vote Event) will be held together!



★Term74(" September(9月) ")Kemonomimi Vote Event Vol.70 

 ↓  ↓  ↓ 投票URLはこちら

  ■Vote URL here! ( Easy Poll )   

https://vote.easypolls.net/62f4a36a8d4471006259da4a  )

The most voted charactor becomes one of rewards in the term74!


(The period of term74 is till September 1 to September 30)



【The time to vote (投票期間)】

11st/August~  31st/August (8月11日 ~8月31日)


I look forward to your vote.




Will Martin-Foster

Ragdoll or massage lover. You're killing me, Smalls!


Thank you for comment. I would like to draw both of them eventually.