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To determine the voting event results early and smoothly in production. 


From this time, two months of voting events(Kemomimi's vote) will be held together!


(This time is the Fan art vote event for the following two months)



★Term42(January) Kemonomimi's vote Event Vol.38!(1月分投票)

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■Vote here!(Easy Poll) 


  • The most voted charactor becomes one of rewards in the term41!


 (The period of term41 is till January 1 to January 31 )


★Term43(February) Kemonomimi's vote Event Vol.39!(2月分投票)

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■Vote here! (Easy Poll) 


  • The most voted charactor becomes one of rewards in the term42!


 (The period of term42 is till February 1 to February 29 )



【The time to vote (投票期間)】

 9th/December ~  31st/December (12月9日 ~12月31日)


I look forward to your vote.
