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검로드를 정리하여 다시 오픈했습니다!

현재 2021년 작품 업로드가 완료된 상태입니다.

// I organized the gumroad and opened it again! currently, the 2021 work upload has been completed.

이전 작업물 재판매 규칙

21년도 작업물부터 재판매 합니다.

소형 작업 (작은 사이즈의 구간반복 gif), OC 커미션 작업은 제외합니다.

작업량에 따라 가격이 달라질 수 있습니다. (Example, Emily - dream in a moments)

NSFW 작품은 가급적이면 재판매 되지 않을 가능성이 높습니다.

또한, 재판매 되는 작업물들은 기존 보상에 비해 다소 가격이 상향 조정되는점 참고 바랍니다.


//  Rules for resale of previous works.

resell the 2021 work from now.

mini character works (small gif), OC commissions work is excluded.

the price may vary depending on the workload. (Example, Emily - dream in a moments)

NSFW works are most likely not to be uploaded.

also, please note that the resale works are slightly raised compared to the existing rewards.

Thank you.



Is this the only way to obtain the high resolution versions for those who signed up for your Patreon, but were too late to receive these animations since they were done earlier in the year?


Those who are currently subscribing can normally earn monthly rewards. and, those who have not subscribed can only purchase past rewards on Gumroad. this is reflects the issue of equity with existing subscribers.


I am subscribed, but I cannot find the password. My mailbox is empty :( How do I find it?