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Please be sure to finish reading this, it's preeeetty important. Basically, my life has gotten a LOT busier lately and its been severely cutting into my art time. To remedy this I have made the tough decision to cut back on some of the extra features of this Patreon, like the voting and the top donation tier with colored commission rewards. This way, when I do get time to draw, it's not spent doing all these little extras (they really add up, who knew?) I'm still going to have three posts a month (at least) and this way I can really spend my time on the most important part in the end, the art! So as a basic overview, this Patreon may have fewer bonus incentives at the moment but I think this new, trimmed version will help make the most of my time and hopefully allow me to produce even better work than before! Please take another look at how much you are pledging because the rewards may have changed a bit and also, thanks so much to each and every one of you! -Epon


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