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Vote for what I should work on next! Hi guys! hope you all are doing well! I cant believe its mid august already! Where did time go? D :

 I spent the past week and a half investigating a few ideas, but have to give them up for now because there were a few challenges that I cant figure out at the moment but I came up with 4 other objects that am Im very excited about and do know how to make. I need your help to figure out which one to work on first! 

I will release them one at a time, instead of releasing them as a set like I have done previously. Because I find that making sets makes me feel burned out easily, and I don't feel like Im spending as much time as I want to on each of the objects because I'm just rushing to meet the deadline. So im just gonna make them one at a time and see how it goes.

here are the options:

play telephone

this is a toddler toy, toddlers can use it to make pretend calls to varies people such as "father winter" "parent" "imaginary friend" etc, and they can also play it with another sim(toddler-elder). playing with telephone will improve their speech skill and give they funny moodlets.

Makeup kit 

the makeup kit allows toddler to give a makeover to themselves or to another sim, obviously the results will be somewhat disastrous. the "makeup" will stay on their faces unless they to take a shower or a bath. If a child-elder sim got a "makeover" and left on for too long, or if someone else saw them with the makeup on, they will become very embarrassed. 

Play Tunnel

the play tunnel allows toddler to crawl from one end to the other, which increases their movement skill. they can also take a nap in it if they are tired.


The pinata is more of a kids activity (because I feel like toddlers wouldn't have good enough coordination to play this realistically speaking). although it's a kids activity, adults should also be able to swing at it as well, sims can either take turns to hit on it or you can direct one sim to hit it continuously. Once it breaks, a bunch of candies will come out, each flavor of candy will have their own unique moodlet. 

I plan on making all of them, but please only vote for your favorite one. The one with the most amount of votes will be the one I start working on immediately, which I hope to release before the end of the month. and the one with the second most votes will be the one I work on next and so on.


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