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Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well and staying healthy!

Here is the preview of my next mod pack that is set to release in May. This pack is once again a pack for toddlers and it primarily focus on the imagination and thinking skill. 

There will be 4 functional objects in this pack and they are: Drawing pad. xylophone, rock-a-stack and a crafting table. 

  • The drawing pad allows your toddlers to create drawings of their families, their pet, or anything that interests them (the two pictures on the wall are examples of such drawings), which you can then proudly display on your wall (or not). And if an older sim helps them with their drawing, they will be able to create something of even better quality. 

  • The xylophone lets your toddlers get their hands on their very first set of instrument. If their thinking skill is maxed, you might start to recognize some of the tunes they play.

  • The rock-a-stack is just a must-have toy that every toddler deserves, they will eventually figure out how to play it properly once they finish chewing it.

  • The crafting station has all the supplies your toddler needs to create art crafts (the paper-plate-turkey is an example of such craft),  just like the drawing pad, with the help of an older sim, toddlers will be able to create something of even better quality.

Please be aware this is still in early stage of development, so there might still be changes to how they look and how they function. 

One thing Im wondering is, would anyone be interested in submitting drawings or crafts for me to add them to this mod pack? It can be something your kids made or you made as a child, and I can add them so that you will be able to create and see your (or your kids') art work in game, and you will be sharing it with all simmers who play with this pack. Seeing something I made appearing in game is always a magical feeling to me, so if anyone is interested please leave a comment, if I do get a few people who would like to do this I will post again with more details on how to submit. 

As for the changing table.......

Ive rewritten the whole thing, the good news the new method Im using is more stable than the last, so it solved the problem I was having. The bad news is I have to remake the animation entirely, and Im currently having a new bug, which should be fixable, but ive decided to put it aside for now until I finish this pack first, because Ive spent a whole month of my time on it and there's no guarantee I wont run into another deadly bug. Right now I really need to just work on something else first to clear my head. I will come back to this I promise (ive spend too much time not to lol)

The last 2 weeks has been crazy for me, I finally moved out of my moldy sad basement and moved into an apartment. and man moving is such a stressful thing. On top of that I had an incident with a crazy new neighbor o.O and my desk didnt arrive until yesterday, so I  was working on the floor for almost 2 weeks, my back is very thankful I can finally sit at a desk again. 

speak to you all soon! 



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