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Helllllo everyone! first of all thank you for your continuous support to me! I'm so grateful for every single one of you. thank you for believing in me and supporting me!!!

as you all probably know I'm making a functional dairy cow, and Im please to announce Im collaborating with Mizore Yukii and Icemunmn! together we will be able to accomplish way more than I can on my own! This dairy cow mod is set to release in early January as an early access on all our Patreon.

 In the video above you can see the feeding and milking animation. And yes children will be able to feed and milk the cow just like adults do ( put those kids to work! lol). Icemunmun created a very fun feeding and milking system where you can feed different things to the cow such as hay, strawberry, almond etc. and in return you harvest different milk (plain milk, strawberry milk and almond milk) drinking different milk will give you different moodlets. And just like animals in real life, you have to attend to it by cleaning up its poop and feeding it or else it will die. We are also planning on making more interactions with the cow such as "pet the cow" "be mean" and "talk to". If time allows we are hoping to further develop the friendship system and make is so that if you pet the cow when you have a low relationship you might end up getting bit and develop illnesses (and possibility die?). And the "be mean" interaction is something I want to add and it will be an interaction for those who have a death wish or just want t see their sims get hurt lol.

Im working on some kids/toddler activities to release in December so please also stay tuned for that! I'm having so much fun making animals I'm seriously thinking about make a whole zoo.

*im really sorry for the frame rate and video quality, since im home for the holidays I couldn't bring my computer with me, and I've been making mods on a potato:'(


cow feeding milking interaction



EEE I'm so excited!!!!


I am so excited for this. I love all the interactions and the friendship system!


That is a fantastic collab team. I am so excited it looks fantastic and happy to continue supporting this work. Oh btw thanks for getting back to me. <3


This looks amazing. I am very excited to see this get done. I am not harping on you, I know these things take time but was wondering if you had any updates on when this awesome cow will be ready? your post said early January.


I know :'( hopefully it will be released in a week of time! I really apologize for the delay!