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Daddy Kaden has a sharp, big, hard sword. Thanks to Davion's (Daikoku's) splendid polishing skills it will never get blunt ;3

Drawing these characters was a lot of fun, because the artstyle of DOTA is very similar to my own. Clean, thin lines and cell-shading colours. And drawing daddies is always a pleasure.

The artwork releases with your next Artpacks.
Planned release: Friday 4th June 2021

I also used the opportunity to start creating my own background ressources. For example a wooden floor. Such files might become handy in the future to fasten the drawing process.




Amazing, these characters are just sooo hot!! <3 Can't wait to see all the versions~ :3


Daddy Kaden made me wet. He's gorgeous. I want to polish his knob, I mean, sword.