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In Kings Journal I write about games, original characters, Bara topics and places I visited.
In this issue I will show the men of Fire Emblem. Not all, because that would take a lot of time, but a selection of guys with athletic bodies or big muscles.
And  believe me: Fire Emblem is a franchise with a notable amount of beefy men.

But before I start introducing some men, I want to say a few words about Fire Emblem in general.

What is Fire Emblem?!
Fire Emblem is a tactical, round-based, strategy game with RPG elements. You have several units in your team and you fight on different maps, with different characteristics against bandits, thieves, armies, kings or monsters. Some battles take place in dark forests, others in deserts, castles or mountains.

(Gameboy Advance)


Each character in your team can make one move per round with a different range. Once you moved them all or you end your turn, the opponent's turn begins.
There will be many rounds until you either win or lose.

(blue = player character range: red = enemy range - the red arrows/bows hint who will be attacked in the next round)

But beware: Fire Emblem is mercyless and mistakes are punished hard.
Defeated characters die. No resurrection, no second chance. They are dead forever.
And there is nothing worse in video games, than a favourite character who dies.

Regarding the RPG elements the characters can support each other with conversations or fighting next to each other.
The dialogues are unique for each character and you can not make everybody best friends. Each Fire Emblem title also has a big story, that unfolds while playing.

So if I had to shorten this explanation to a minimum, I would say, that Fire Emblem is like chess, but much more complex with nice characters and RPG gameplay.

The men of Fire Emblem

Up next I will add pictures of four Fire Emblem games which I played myself.
Maybe there is someone you like?!

Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword

Hector (main character)


Geitz (bulge perspective OwO)



Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (FE 9)
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
(FE 10)
(these two belong together)

Ike (FE 9 and FE 10 artwork)



Ashnard (main villain in FE 9)







Haar (wyvern knights are among my favourite classes)

Gareth (he is a dragon)

Fire Emblem: Three Houses
(This game has a timeskip, that's why many characters change their look)











Why I like Fire Emblem
The men of Fire Emblem are hot and diverse. Slim, athletic, small, tall, beefy, super beefy and Bara, plus many daddy types. I love this, because many games usually focus on young characters and the hot men are side characters or villains, but in Fire Emblem I can build my own team with my favourite men.
But drooling about guys in not my only argument.
I enjoy tactical games and Fire Emblem also is kinda relaxing, because it is one turn after the other and not an endless action blast. Considering the fact, that I usually play games at late night after work, when I am tired or annoyed from a day, this game helps me to calm down, while focusing on the game my brain can relax, because I am distracted in a good way.
Fire Emblem also reminds me of chess. I love chess. And here is the explanation:
I have a very bad relationship with my father. We always argued, since I was a little boy and after my parents got divorced it became even worse. But one day my father visited me and we sat in the yard at a small table. He brought a chess board and he taught me how to play.
We sat there very long, nearly until twilight and I lost each round.
My father told me to think more in advance to have a plan and tactics.
He always won.
But from that day we played chess everytime we met and I got better each time, though I was not able to beat my father. Nevertheless this experience is precious to me.
When my father and I played chess we did not argue, we were like a good father and a good son for a short moment. Fighting each other in a game of mind must be someting we both enjoy and it was kinda touching to recognize silently, that we have at least something in common.
My father had a horrible childhood and he ruined mine, but when playing chess it felt like an altnernate, better life for both of us. A better version of him and me.

At last I moved away with my mother and I moved again and again alone.
I haven't played chess for 14 years or longer. Each time I asked someone to play with me it was always the same reaction: "Chess?! Are you serious? I don't know how to play this game and it is too complicated to learn."
But one day I downloaded an emulator and I played Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword and it felt like chess so I bought Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and it also felt like chess.
Finally I had someone to play chess with me. A videogame.
Of course, it can not replace the real game against my father, but it reminds me of those nice moments subconsciously.

Fire Emblem and me - the artist
Considering my past and natural pleasure in tactics I see most things pretty rational and sober. I am passionate, too, but I won't show that directly.
So when I was a newcomer in Bara art I was attacked by trolls and sometimes I wondered if other artists hid behind the troll facade to destroy new artists before they can become a potential rival.
In my opinion the world of art is a battle ground. How can I survive?
Who will be my allies? Are there rivals? Is there a villain?
In fact these thoughts work for everyone no matter what profession you have.
(Actually I could write a whole Kings Journal about "art is my battle ground")
You will always come to a point, where it is good to have a plan or two, when tactics might save your ass and push you forward.
And to train your brain while playing Fire Emblem is a beautiful exercise.
I hope you enjoyed this Kings Journal. A combination of hot videogame men and something personal about me related to Fire Emblem.
You know what?! A friend told me, that I am too formal and that I should try to open a bit.
Well, in this Journal I tried to make me look more like a human and not like Bara drawing machine.

If there is a guy you really like from the pics above or one from another FE title you can tell me in the comments. Since I am a fan I appreciate each comment.
Maybe you play chess or you are a FE fan, too?
Tell me. I am interested in your opinion.

Thank you for reading.
Your Greeny - the tactics wolfking



Joseph (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 17:23:34 Great journal!! I always heard and saw pics of Fire Emblem characters, but still didn't got to play any game, but It's good to hear more about the gameplay and the characters!! I heard before that if a character die, they gone for real, this sounds like the battles get really tense because I definitely would not like to any on my team to be gone ><' I'm a big fan of tactical games and chess too! Aaand same goes with me when I tried to play chess with someone people are like "I have no idea how to play this, and will take long to learn!" xD I haven't played chess in years now but I used to really enjoy it. And wow... that is a very interesting story and relationship with your father, It's sad, but also beautiful and I'm happy to hear that you two found common ground on the chess board!! :3 It's true, the art world is a form of battle ground and you need to think in advance your "next move", The good side is that we always find new "party members" that help us on the next battles as we go on! :3 It's funny how when I think back to old games, I always like the big bara guys on my team, later on I discovered why I liked them so much xD There is a lot of amazing and hot characters on FE, I think I discovered the game, because of bara artworks around the internet hahaha Tibard and Mordekai are some of the first I ever saw, and I loved what I saw <3 A Tatics game that I played a lot and enjoyed was the Final Fantasy ones, for GBA and DS, if you have the oportunity I really reccomend them Greeny!! Thanks a lot for this journal, was very informative both on the game and characters and also was really cool to get to know more about you!! Big tight hugs!!!!! :3
2019-09-04 14:17:09 Great journal!! I always heard and saw pics of Fire Emblem characters, but still didn't got to play any game, but It's good to hear more about the gameplay and the characters!! I heard before that if a character die, they gone for real, this sounds like the battles get really tense because I definitely would not like to any on my team to be gone ><' I'm a big fan of tactical games and chess too! Aaand same goes with me when I tried to play chess with someone people are like "I have no idea how to play this, and will take long to learn!" xD I haven't played chess in years now but I used to really enjoy it. And wow... that is a very interesting story and relationship with your father, It's sad, but also beautiful and I'm happy to hear that you two found common ground on the chess board!! :3 It's true, the art world is a form of battle ground and you need to think in advance your "next move", The good side is that we always find new "party members" that help us on the next battles as we go on! :3 It's funny how when I think back to old games, I always like the big bara guys on my team, later on I discovered why I liked them so much xD There is a lot of amazing and hot characters on FE, I think I discovered the game, because of bara artworks around the internet hahaha Tibard and Mordekai are some of the first I ever saw, and I loved what I saw <3 A Tatics game that I played a lot and enjoyed was the Final Fantasy ones, for GBA and DS, if you have the oportunity I really reccomend them Greeny!! Thanks a lot for this journal, was very informative both on the game and characters and also was really cool to get to know more about you!! Big tight hugs!!!!! :3

Great journal!! I always heard and saw pics of Fire Emblem characters, but still didn't got to play any game, but It's good to hear more about the gameplay and the characters!! I heard before that if a character die, they gone for real, this sounds like the battles get really tense because I definitely would not like to any on my team to be gone ><' I'm a big fan of tactical games and chess too! Aaand same goes with me when I tried to play chess with someone people are like "I have no idea how to play this, and will take long to learn!" xD I haven't played chess in years now but I used to really enjoy it. And wow... that is a very interesting story and relationship with your father, It's sad, but also beautiful and I'm happy to hear that you two found common ground on the chess board!! :3 It's true, the art world is a form of battle ground and you need to think in advance your "next move", The good side is that we always find new "party members" that help us on the next battles as we go on! :3 It's funny how when I think back to old games, I always like the big bara guys on my team, later on I discovered why I liked them so much xD There is a lot of amazing and hot characters on FE, I think I discovered the game, because of bara artworks around the internet hahaha Tibard and Mordekai are some of the first I ever saw, and I loved what I saw <3 A Tatics game that I played a lot and enjoyed was the Final Fantasy ones, for GBA and DS, if you have the oportunity I really reccomend them Greeny!! Thanks a lot for this journal, was very informative both on the game and characters and also was really cool to get to know more about you!! Big tight hugs!!!!! :3


Thank you!! You can choose an easy mode in Three Houses, that means your characters won't die forever, they just leave the battle ground for the current mission. If you enjoy chess, to, you should try FE. You won't regret it. Maybe we could play chess together one day?! I felt very unsure about the private part in this Journal, but not everything is happy rainbows and unicorns and these experiences are connected with the FE games for me so I shared these details of my life. In Bara fanart FE is quite popular unlike like Assassin's Creed -_- I am not that much a fan of FF spin-offs, because Square tends to be a cash grabber. That company milks the fans wallets way too much. Nevertheless those games can be good. Here are some big bara hugs for you! :3


That's good to know, I will check some FE games and test them out! And definitely! Would be really fun to play chess!! =D And yeah Square really milk FF sometimes x.x But I do have to say, these Tactics for GBA and DS were very well done, great story on it and fun to play! :3


Some can be played on PC by using a software, that a certain company does not like. I wish Square would work on FFXV-2. Other titles got new games although they are debatable.