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I recently found a collection of short HD videos, that portray different landmarks of the state, where I was born. The clips were created by a local TV channel due to the states 70s anniversary. Some of you might recognize a castle I wrote about in a previous journal.
I spare any explanations about what you are going to see to let your imagination run freely.

But before you start.
Here are four reasons why you should watch these videos.
1. They are beautiful and show places, that resist time.
2. At Patreon we are all from different countries and it might be nice to get an impression of what I saw while growing up and what probably still inspires me.
3. The next Journal will be about Bigby Wolf and these videos will help you to understand what the world of a fairy tale character looks like and how it must feel to lose this homeland.
4. Take my hand because here we go.

Anniversary trailer:

I visted the following places myself (some more than once):

I want to visit these:

I hope you enjoyed watching the videos.
Watching them makes me feel at home somehow and since I do not live in that state anymore I also miss it. But first of all I feel kinda enchanted and I hope I could share this feeling with you.

How do you feel after watching the videos?
Which place would you like to visit?
I look forward to read your opinions in the comments.




Ahhh I knew I was missing some journals, now gonna catch up with them! XD These videos are amazing Greeny! They are really nice, how the camera goes around is great and the musics on each of them make me get more concentrated and "into" the places showing. It was a nice feeling watching them, the places are amazing, like you said on the Journal, I think they are really great to help get inspiration and make our ideas and imagination go far with stories and characters on these locations. I do enjoy a lot to see these places that are so strong and are up to this day, how they have the vegetation on some of them giving this really lets say "fantasy" feeling It's awesome. Someday I want to travel to get to know these kind of places on my country and on others if I'm able to, like on these videos! =D There are really amazing ones, and this suspended bridge in Kastellaun looks incredible, also, I really enjoyed the Burg Eltz, the fog really gave it a mysterious vibe, and the castle and the music made me kinda think of Hogwarts hahaha! Again, thanks for sharing! Really awesome places! =D


I am glad you liked it. ^^ The fog around Castle Eltz is natural due to the river next to the castle and the valley. According to legend the Castle was spared from destruction of all wars, because it was forgotten or overseen thanks to its hidden location. I think watching or visiting places of culture or nature is important to enrich your knowledge and soul. No matter if you feel sad or lonely a simple excursion can really cheer you up and push your mind and imagination forward. :D