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Congratulations to Gilgamesh. He won and will get a wip!
If you are interested in some potential images for the other participants continue reading below the ranking screenshot.

Aegir - maybe... - there is a humble hype around him and some other artists drew him, but that is not really an argument for me or drawing him.

Ganondorf - I will draw him solo like Solid Snake and for the locker room image based on his look in Ocarina of time, but more handsome (without that huge nose for example).

Reinhardt - I will continue this sketch to create a wip (maybe fully coloured) for December.

Ulfric Stormcloak - he has good chances for an image. I created a folder for him before he was suggested for the poll, because his name is on my drawing list and blond men in games are kinda rare.

Danny Phantom and Rengar - like Derek Hale and Jaime Lannister, these two participated in some polls and I think about drawing both to keep things fair and make room for new wishes.




Ahh I’ve wanted to download the mod that makes Gilgamesh look like that in-game but the mod author never released it publicly 😤


That's a pity. I guess the mod changes the body hair?! I did not play the game, but I noticed the lack of body hair on some screenshots, while the one I got for the poll shows a hairy Gilgamesh.


need to add a gears of war guy for next commissions thats my xmas wish