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first time painting  5 p bang scene, that's alot of eggplants XD~

(This project is part of term 209 reward sign up from December 1-20)◄these are previews only, full uncensored rewards will be send out 6-7th next month*

  • Tier 1: sfw pages witout text and with HD set
  • Tier 2-3( 3- 4k pixel Jpg(wallpaper)+PSD+sfw+nsfw pages with/without text set)
  • Tier 3.5-5( 3- 4k pixel Jpg(wallpaper)+PSD+sfw+nsfw pages with/without text set+ all futa pages available for the comic)

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive



Cpt Babyface

So since I joined late do I only get access to this months art or can I get access to any of the previous months art too?


How do I see the uncensored months art I joined today?


Thank you for the support! Rewards will be send out on the 6th -7th of each month. :)