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Shadowheart in a chainmail fanatsy dress ;3Balur's gate 3 is so good XD I'm only 30% in but I've been enjoying the story and the fun dialogues from the companions XD fav so far is Astarion/ Karlach and shadowheart~

comes with 3 hr voice over painting process for student tier3~

nsfw vr>here 

futa vr> here 

(This project is part of term 202 reward sign up from august 22-31st)◄Term 202 rewards will be send out 5th-7 th of  September comes with

  • Tier 1: sfw pages witout text and with HD set
  • Tier 2( 3- 4k pixel Jpg(wallpaper)+sfw+nsfw vr)
  • Tier 2-3( 3- 4k pixel Jpg(wallpaper)+PSD+sfw+nsfw + psd and voice over painting process)
  • Tier 3.5-5( 3- 4k pixel Jpg(wallpaper)+PSD+sfw+nsfw + psd and voice over painting process + futa vr)

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive




Hello beautiful! 😍 Also glad to hear you are enjoying Baldur's Gate 3

Tonyra Art

your pin ups are the best!


YES! Love the pinups, love Shadowheart *g*

Sheeb The constantly ill.

i just happened to see this while playing baldur's gate love this tho ngl!

Nathan Phoenix

In act 3 (about 90 hours in for me) you can finally get a dress for her in the game.


Hey Sakimi! I love your art, but I have question, will you restock the posters at the webstore?


THANK God, Buddha, Allah, Thor or Odin, whichever works, this wasn't another comic strip. This is brilliant!


Next we need Karlach! I feel like she would also be a fun challenge to draw with all of the detail of her clothes and the lighting of her Infernal engine. Also, a battle pose would suit her which could be fun


it so gooood