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this is kind of an experimental comic. It took a lot more work to make draw different angles of the same scene to enhance the moment, not sure if it's I'll keep doing this in the future depending on the reception but i at least tried it out ~

(This project is part of term 200 reward sign up from jult22-31st)◄Term 200 rewards will be send out 5th-7 th of  august comes with

  • Tier 1: sfw pages witout text and with HD set
  • Tier 2-3( 3- 4k pixel Jpg(wallpaper)+PSD+sfw+nsfw pages with/without text set)
  • Tier 3.5-5( 3- 4k pixel Jpg(wallpaper)+PSD+sfw+nsfw pages with/without text set+ all futa pages available for the comic)

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive




I was going to drop down suggestion as the grown up sakura and sasuke........... but man this pair is way better🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🤩🤩🤩🤩

Ashley Kate

The beefcake 😍


OMG if you made an Ichiruki version of this it would be PERFECT! Please consider making Ichigo and Rukia! (I've been asking for maybe a year so sorry for my annoyance haha) XD