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The long awaited Otome comic I've been wanting the create ;3Lumine will experience a lot of exciting situations throughout with her 3 companions in 16 prts~  with a fujoshi(BL) situation towards the end ~

I also did some narrative writing with some of the parts to add more details to the scene kind of like a visual novel.

(This project is part of term 197 reward sign up from june1-25st)◄Term197 rewards will be send out 5th-7 th of  July comes with

  • Tier 1: sfw pages witout text and with HD set
  • Tier 2-3( 3- 4k pixel Jpg(wallpaper)+PSD+sfw+nsfw pages with/without text set)
  • Tier 3.5-5( 3- 4k pixel Jpg(wallpaper)+PSD+sfw+nsfw pages with/without text set+ all futa pages available for the comic)

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive

artist note:  Since this comic involves many characters it was tough and time consuming to lineart and sketch out ! Especially when all the guys have very intricate hairstyles, But since this is a female fantasy type work it was important their face and hair is well presented. anyways My inner fangirl is pretty satisfied, I got to draw this many hot guys at once X'D;; This was a hard switch from the Peach bowser comic earlier, I make it have more of the anime esthetic which I used to do in my college days, you can still see some remnant of the comic style thou. Also I'm still developing and trying new things  so you guys will see some more changes in my art stye in the future.
