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NSFW voting is up !!! Get your votes in ! and maybe suggest new ones for future polls ! Male: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MaleNSFW Female: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FemaleNSFW PS. painting lara Croft (new with a bit of design from the old )for term 17 :)


Eddie Murphy

Suggestion for next term: Twilight Sparkle.

Garry S

Suggestion for next term: Yami Yugi/Pharoah Atem from Yu-Gi-Oh!


Wow, this is a really hard decision...I want all of them lol. BTW do you take commissions?


Suggestion: Kisara (The Blue Eyes White Dragon) from Yugioh. You could make her like a dragon-human hybrid.


OMG ROSALINA!!! *crosses fingers and toes* She'd look so elegant <3


Oh wow so many good choices for the males


Ahh Nightwing *v* I can't wait for the result >.< I'm gonna suggest Natsu from Fairy Tale for the next possible NSFW/Normal ^-^ not sure if he's of age or not but, either way works xD


Is there any chance of these choices coming back? I'd love to see Raiden in your style, but I don't think he's gonna win :( In terms of suggestions; I'm gonna throw another Yu-Gi-Oh! one into the ring - Yami Marik would be amazing <3


Suggestion: Fate Testarossa Harlaown from the Nanoha series, please.


Rosalina in your style... <3!! I'm still hoping you will consider a Dota 2 Hero but more importantly, Tharja from Fire Emblem please!


Fairly sure in the past she has made art for non-winners if they still seemed popular enough. I would also like to see her draw Raiden, and I'd love to see her draw Robin from One Piece and hopefully that would open her to do even more One Piece art.


I need Yuffie in my life. If not her then Rikku from X & X-2.


Can't wait to see your Lara :)


I want a NOT NSFW regular image of YOU. XD Everyone VOTE. Sakimichan standing and all her art characters behind her...in clothes or naked. O.o


Suggestion for next term: Chun li or Cammy from street fighter would be great.


Would want to see a female character of your personal liking that you have not done before. To be honest most of the choices are what I consider "too mainstream". I'm sure there are hidden gems somewhere that people have forgotten. Perhaps a character from an old RPG, or any old animes, books, cartoons, etc. Something that strikes nostalgia perhaps. But of course, people won't vote if they don't even know it, just a suggestion ... :)


to many Q_Q just draw all once! take ur time!


Suggestion for next term: Nina Windia from Breath of Fire 2


Suggestion for next term: Alucard from Hellsing/Hellsing Ultimate

Big B

Voted for neliel again this month. Will keep doing so until she wins. Looks like it may never happen though :(. In the end I am thankful for everything that sakimi chan makes us :D. Thanks for considering our thoughts, we <3 you.


Suggestion: Aerith Gainsborough


Suggestion for next term: Juri Han from street fighter


doesn't have to be NSFW but I'd love to see Lulu from FFX in your style! :D


(not related to the nsfw polls) I can't believe I forgot to comment on your last Ryuuko Matoi work on this. The best image from the series was Episode 7, 20 mins and a few seconds in: She smiles. Your take on that would great, whichever direction it may take you.


Reno is character from FF7 right?


It's nice to see Alice from Alice in Wonderland on there as it's the 150th Anniversary this year, plus I would love to see you go wild with the concept also I'm curious if you'll be influenced by American McGee or not.


Arcade Miss fortune!!! hahaha i hope she wins :DD


As Always, Lady from DMC3 NSFW (Especially because the Special Edition was Just released this week!)


When do the results get posted? I'm so curious. :3


Oooh maybe Halo 4's Cortana?! She would look so beautiful in your style!


Suggestion for next term: Xion from Kingdom Hearts.


Suggestion for next term: Yukari from Persona 3


Suggestion for next term: Asuna from SAO?


Suggestion for next term: Gai Tsutsugami from Guilty Crown


Maybe a couple of the guys from One Piece? Like Shanks or Mihawk or Ace~