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Here's where you nominate/vote for this month's character+scenario! Be sure to heed the monthly theme!

NEW THING: Because I think it might mix things up (and also since I rarely have time for Verzi's Choices), I'm gonna give myself a vote just so people know what I got my eye on. My vote will count for 2 votes, like any other of the votes at the $10 and higher tiers. I will not be giving myself a downvote, however.~

When crafting your contexts and choosing your character, please keep in mind that the 1st place winner this month will be getting a 3 part sequence.


This month's Theme is: Christmas/Holiday

The character will be involved in (or preparing for) the holiday season! It doesn't have to be Christmas either. It can be any other Holiday taking place during the winter season that you deem appropriate, or perhaps just want the character to explore!

Nominations that are off theme and nominations that have already won a fill for the same kink will be subject to a -5 vote handicap when being counted!


Please read here for full directions! and remember that:

The Poll closes at Midnight when the 14th transitions to the 15th!

$5 tier holders can Downvote! Click here for info regarding that.

$10 tier holders have double voting power (your votes count as TWO, but you cannot split this vote)

Please be clear who the character is, where they are from, and which version of them they are if they have multiple!

And Please be clear who you're voting for or changing your vote to in order to minimize confusion on my end!



Pregnant Caspar doing a sexy photo shoot in various sexy Christmas costumes (santa costume for one, elf for another, maybe only a bow-tie with sparklers for new years ect ect ect)

Axis Blackwell

Mpreg jack frost. As the resident winter spirit jack is tasked with bringing forth spring. Sure thing. No problem. Fine print for the job says he's gotta be pregnant with baby spring all winter. So starting December 21, yule he's got a cute little gut at the winter holiday party by the fire. By February things are getting kinda hefty and thank the moon for discount chocolate on the 15th. come march 21st he's full to the max and timing contractions.