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(Patreon did a weird thing and replaced the original Poll post with the $20 one for some reason??? So here this one is again)

Whichever one has the most votes will determine the unifying theme for next month's character fills! This poll will end on midnight October 1st, where i will announce the winner! $20 tier holders be sure to vote in the secondary poll going up after this one to exert your double voting strength!

Also Keep in mind; October will have the 1st place winner getting a 3 stage fill!

As for the nominations, please keep reading further if you want a bit of an explanation for each theme

*Note: if you dont see your suggestion here, i ultimately decided that it isn't adequately applicable to all possible kinks, or it was too difficult to visually represent, or it aligned too closely to a past theme that's on cooldown!*


Halloween Costumes: The classic! the character will be dressed in, or getting dressed into, a festive halloween costume during the sequence.

Magical Mishap: Belly results in something magical going wrong!

Haunted/Possessed: Something haunts/possesses the character, resulting in (or encouraging) their whole belly situation. This can involve ghosts or demons or whatever have you! (I fused the 3 appropriate themes)


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