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Alright! Got around to resetting this! Gotta hit those milestones again! Click here for More info on Why This Exists and How it Works. (the tumblr post)

To fill this bar:
-Commission form (Still Open until I make a formal announcement!)
-Patreon (You are here!)

So far, I owe 1 reward from last month, which I will determine and draw during Tomorrow's Stream. After that's done, I'll probably do one more or field some side doodles to fill some space.

The stream will be begin around 5pm PST. It's pretty late for those in more eastern time zones, but I will be alternating stream times so different people can have a chance to join. (Also, this works best with my schedule this week)

To watch the stream, simply join my discord server! The permanent invite code is in my About section (in case patreon didnt already add you).

And remember! If you want to add suggestions to the pool, tack one onto a commission order, a donation of any amount, or post in the patreon only post i put up earlier this month! (Information on how I'm handling suggestions is in my patreon announcements)

Thanks for the support! And here's hoping i can hit the milestones and hopefully have enough to pay my taxes to get those out of the way this month!



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