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Apologies for the lateness! February's shortness always gets me every time. 😩 And then a lot of things are happening in march cuz like 5 people decided to be born in march X years ago and i have to attend all those situations!

First, the normal announcements!

February's last fill will be up in the next couple days! That's first on my to-do list, and as always, those who unpledged last month are free to contact me and confirm patronage, and i can send them the fill through w/e means they provide!

March's Theme is Party! I will go a bit more in depth on this in the poll post, which will be up shortly.

November 2022's Fills will be going into the Access to the Past Tiers!

March 2021's fills will be going up on my pixiv and social medias!
As per usual, I'll bulk upload everything onto my drive and pixiv, and spread them out individually over the course of the week on twitter/tumblr.

Okay! I didn't get much of anything done in february, both due to aforementioned shortness, and medical stuff that has had me stressed out and busy. (Something something Bowel inflammation and bleeding. further proof my gastrointestinal tract is trying to end my bloodline).

I havent had much time to do neither personal stuff (like the OC thing i wanted to do for black history month), nor work on commissions i've accepted in early february, though i'm hoping to have time to peck away at them this week because...!!

My grandpa invited me on a 1 week cruise for his birthday (which he paid for cuz there's no way i can afford it, haha). I'm excited cuz i rarely get to do anything and the last time i did something fun was when i got stuck in montana last year. ;D Hoping for unwinding and some time to get some things done. If not drawn work, I will devote some time to updating my google drive.

Anyway! Thanks as always for everyone's support and patience!


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