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Here are my doodle files for December! Not much done this holiday month, so I went ahead and through an extra nsfw David doodle i started a few months back but didnt finish at the end of the latest one.

On another note: I also altered the previous month's doodle dump posts to be available to 3 dollar patrons! So if you are a 3 dolalr patron who hasnt seen my doodle files, but you want to, feel free to check out the doodledump tag.

Directions: Follow the dropbox Link and then download the files. Then open them using an art program of your choice! This art program can be photoshop, SAI, GIMP, Clip studio paint... pretty much any art program since most can read and convert psd files. Different doodles are drawn on different layers, so make sure to make them visible to see whats on them!

Note: Some doodles may be NSFW.




 I'm still figuring out the best way to share things and whatnot, so let me know if you have any problems, questions, or suggestions to how to make things easier and more convenient! 


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