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It is now the month of Halloween! 

This month's theme, however, is Harvest Festival! That will be explained in the poll post that will going up shortly after this one.

The individual fills from June will be moved to the Access to the Past tiers!

October 2020's fills will be going up to my pixiv and social medias during this week!

An in terms of commissions! I have about 4 left. I'm so closed to being done i can taste it😤 . Afterwards, i will take maybe a short break of a week or so (pending on circumstances) and will use that time to formulate how i will go forward with future commissions. I'm definitely in a spot where opening them will be necessary for Reasons™, but I do not want people waiting for a year and a half like this time!!! I'm very glad people were fine with it and felt it was worth the wait but that is so very not Great for my own stress levels. 😅

I'll keep you guys updated here and on my medias for how i'll decide on that.

Thanks so much for all your work and patience!


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