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Okay, things have been going painfully slowly on the work on the garage. My mom was the ltieral best person in the world, but she was also a very textbook hoarder, so we had to spend over 1000 dollars ordering bins and hauling services to clean it out, and i've probably identified a dozen different kinds of insects in there. it was not great!

I have had NO time to work or even get myself mentally and emotionally together to draw (and my muscles hurt 😩), so i will very much be late again for patreon stuff. >.<

The garage will be done this week though, so i can HOPEFULLY be able to spend the first 2 weeks of october catching up. Apologies in advance. I'll try not to keep ya'll waiting for too long!



Absolutely no worries! Things take time, especially with what you're going through + the cleaning, so take however long you need!


Take the time you need to heal and focus on yourself as you need, please don't push yourself more than you're ready for just for our sakes!


Just please take time to take care of yourself and to heal. Know how much we love your creativity and love you.


Take of yourself Verzi and take all the time you need! We'll be here when your ready!