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In light of heavy changes in my household (see: my mother's illness and inability to work), I've mentioned before that the old tiers will need to be retired and will be replaced with similar tiers with increased prices this August.

This is a hard decision for me, because i pride myself on being accessible... but it's an unfortunate reality that I gotta accept in order to support myself and my family.

In short, the new tiers will be offering essentially the same benefits. See below for the new Tiers. (Also note that each tier grants all benefits of the tiers before it!)


$2: Participation Tier: Access to previous + current month's fills, and nomination/voting privileges in monthly character polls.

$5: Triple D Tier: Gain Downvoting power, Access to Doodle Dumps, and 10% discount on commissions. (I call it "Triple D" cuz there's a character limit, and i cant fit "Downvote, Doodle Dump, and Discount Tier" >:T)

$10: "Access to the Past Tier": Gain access to all patreon-exclusive fills up to 2 years ago*, double voting power the monthly character, AND monthly theme voting privileges.

*Note: anything older than 2 years is free and up on my twitter/pixiv!

$20: Extra Support Tier: Essentially exists for patrons to offer extra support if they're feeling spicy! However! They will gain double voting power for monthly theme polls, and access to other less frequent polls, such as those for YCH pose nominations.


As you can see, the benefits are basically the same, just bumped up a price tier. I also make no mention of streaming privileges, since there was no interest in that, and i don't think i can incorporate that into my busy schedule at this time, unfortunately.

Now! While the old tiers will be retired, they will continue to exist. They will just be unpublished, meaning that no new patrons will be able to pledge to them after August.

In doing this, Patrons who pledge before August's changes and stay pledged will continue to pay the old tier prices for the same benefits. Emphasis on stay pledged because if you un-pledge at any point, re-pledging will require you to pay the new prices since the old tier will not be visible to you. So keep that in mind if you're like me and play hot potato with pledges to spread that money around!

Again, these come into effect in August! But I'm also still open to receiving feedback, and i may change things in response to input i receive.

Speaking of which! If you are interested, a reminder that i did post some Optional Survey Questions to gather feedback. There's no deadline and i'm always open to feedback, so no pressure! Big thanks to all those who answered some or all of them; The information is very helpful to me! 🙏🏽


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