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I was juggling a few of the nominations, and ultimately settled on one of the earthbending twins from legend of Korra, Wei, for this month's Verzi's Choice. (at least i hope its Wei, lmao. if not, i'll have to like... flip the picture, haha).




I like to imagine without a Bolin to stuff this was the inevitable result. Also I've never mentioned this but I love the use of a character's color design in tandem with the background. It such a great way to give a piece a background without over complicating it.


Food has to go somewhere! ;D and thanks for mentioning it! White backgrounds are fine, but also sorta jarring (and hard on the eyes, especially as ive gotten older), so the color is to help bring an extra bit of unity and/or attractive contrast to the pieces, so im glad its working to positive effect! (also extra glad since its a relatively simple and easy way of doing so xD)


Wei has been eating way too much...not that he minds


Looks amazing! Love the seam splitting detail too. Can’t imagine those boxers are too comfortable anymore


Missed the perfect opportunity to say "Wei"ght gain